Monday, April 26, 2010

29. EDU 8135 - Dynamics of Organizational Theory and Change

1 of 2 classes are finished for this semester. Two more weeks and one very big paper to go for the other class. They both have been incredibly challenging.  One met regularly every Wednesday night for 4 hours and the other met every-other Saturday for 7 hours each session.  This class I finished was the Saturday class.  We were required to read 5 books for the class and write a paper on almost every one.  This meant that almost every class we went to required a paper to be turned in.  It was definitely not a class that could be coasted through. I did enjoy most of the books as they gave were a change from the typical educational textbooks that we used last semester.
The content of the class was good for a class that met for 7 hour stretches.  We basically talked throughout the course of how to keep an organization moving in the right direction and discussed ways to make a bad organization better.  I know this doesn't sound super thrilling, but the discussion parts of it definitely made the time go by.
I decided to use this class as a wildcard for my Spanish goal. I said "Hola" to my neighbor the other day from across the street, but knew discussion could not continue much farther than that. When I wrote this goal down I knew it was ambitious to think I could learn a language, but I have been so desparate to learn Spanish that I thought this would be the thing that did it for me.  Turns out becoming a doctor, having 3 little ones, and learning another language are a lot of work.  So...I'm cutting the language out and will work on doing it another time.  I might just put it on my next list of goals.


Mom said...

You are entirely correct about how much work it is. I truly do not know how you do it. When I took 2 classes at the same time last summer, I had no other responsibilities and pretty much became a hermit! You continue to awe me, Eric Paul! Lots of love!

Matt said...

Just checked - the pictures look great! The ballpark progress is a neat idea too - it's kind of hard to see the X's though. Awesome job, Melissa!

Laura said...

Like the new layout- looks good!! :)

JRev said...

you got to jump back on that spanish so you can teach me.