Sunday, July 12, 2009

72. Canoe to I-88 and back with Matt

Matt and I made it out on the river yesterday. I didn't think this one would happen after Matt's experience from our trip we made last month. The water was swift, but we made it. has the trip up the river at 1.86 miles, it felt far beyond that. I didn't bring my camera for the trip but there would have been a few good shots. The first good shot, us going backward any time we stopped paddling for more than four seconds. The second shot, me pulling the boat (and Matt) through some low spots where we were dragging on the river bottom. The third shot would be the crazy rapids created by the construction that is happening at I-88. We actually didn't officially make it to I-88, I think we made it to about 40 feet away, but the water was just a little too swift and rough to make it that close. It was close enough.
Matt, you can officially retire from canoeing. Thanks for doing this with me.


Mom said...

Where did you start? IL Ave? Here you go 90 miles on one trip and struggle with 1.86. That's a little bit funny! Good job at getting those goals tackled!

Eric Weis said...

Yep, Illinois Ave. Canoeing up river is totally different than going down river. You can't pause for a moment.