Thursday, March 20, 2008

I just kept running

Today's run went really well. It was nice to finally only run with two layers on. I felt lighter and felt as if the run was easier to do. I finished my six miles and made it home safely with plenty of time for a good breakfast.
While running today, I took my earphones out of my ears and just ran in silence. It was a really neat time just listening to birds chirping up in the trees. It helps as a reminder that spring is actually going to come and the animals are preparing for it. While listening to the birds, I couldn't help but think of the song "Let Everything That Has Breath, Praise The Lord!" I just sang it in my head the whole second half of my run. I had a really neat thing happen today during my run. It also pointed out just how slow I run. I made a turn down a new street and the sun was just starting to rise. It was really cool watching it rise up as the roads I run down are very straight, I got to see it the whole way down. I actually wanted to slow down even more (if that is possible) to be able to keep watching it. It was a great connection to the song I was singing because I was able to remember that I need to praise God in what I do all the time. I felt great, energized and ready for my day after my run. Usually, I am beaten with exhaustion when I finish. Today, it was not the case, I hope more of these days are still to come!

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