Wednesday, May 21, 2008

6 miles

Today's run was quite easy. I had 6 miles to run. The hardest part of it all was getting out of bed. I was worried for the run that my body wouldn't feel so great, but it didn't. I'm just really concerned about the marathon coming up that my body is going to break down or something. I think I will be concerned all the way to the finish line.
I heard from one of Melissa's cousins that ran a marathon in Cleveland last weekend about the importance of not walking if you haven't trained with walking. I am so scared that mentally I will break down and walk and not be able to get my stride back. I know I have trained pretty well and should do alright, but I also know that I am going to have to mentally battle to be able to finish well with no regrets.
I haven't run with the ipod for awhile. The big reason is because I know when I run the marathon I won't be able to have music, so I am trying to not be used to it. It has been fine. I have just found myself singing songs in my head the whole time anyway. It is a good time.
My friend Rob that is running with me is trying to finish strong in his training. Both of his legs are sore. He is hesitant at going to the doctor for fear that they will tell him that he can't run. I told him to go three weeks ago, he still hasn't. I am concerned, but not to a really large degree. He should be able to finish. He also isn't one that worries about speed for his races. He told me that he has never finished a marathon under 5 hours. He stated that he "enjoys the course." I liked that line. I am sure he will be fine. I am also sure that the day after the race he will be at the doctor. I hope he is alright.

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